Bookkeeping Services

Accurate bookkeeping, although rigorous and time-consuming, is crucial for the success of any enterprise. Without a clean set of books, it’s impossible to evaluate where your business currently stands, or how to properly forecast future requirements. Making effective decisions without a log of your profits and losses is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Therefore, let us do the dirty work for you. Capri Tax & Accounting will meticulously monitor your funds so you can focus on what you do best – running your business.

Capri Tax & Accounting bookkeeping packages:

  • Monthly reconciliation of bank and credit card statements
  • Account receivables and payables management
  • Analysis of monthly financial reports
  • Closing of books at year-end for tax preparation (discuss necessary changes for tax purposes)
  • Vendor management (invoicing, executing of 1099s, etc.)
  • Quarterly Estimated Tax Payment Vouchers
  • Monthly consultation also includes profit margin analysis, tax savings strategies, cost control and cash flow analysis, and retirement contribution analysis
  • Tracking of sales tax for quarterly remittance to NYS
  • Preparation of quarterly sales tax returns
  • Business
  • Personal